Give your child immunity that will last for life time !!

Swaran Prashan

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Swaran Prashan

Ayucitty Hospital offers a special treatment called ‘Swarna Prashna’ for children between 0 and 10 years old. In this treatment, children are given a mixture of gold and ghee-based medicines. This ancient technique has significant benefits for a child’s overall growth and well-being.

Here’s what Swarna Prashna can do:


  • Boosts Longevity: Swarna Prashna helps increase a child’s lifespan.
  • Enhances Digestion: It’s excellent for digestion and provides protection against various allergies and infections.
  • Improves Mental Abilities: Swarna Prashna supports the development of a child’s intelligence and mental strength.
  • Promotes Growth: It nourishes the body and helps in healthy growth.

Ayurvedic immune booster for Kids

It's a unique method of immunization that helps the children to boost up the intellectual power and produces nonspecific immunity in the body to fight against general disorders.

Two ways to administer Swarna Prashna

  1. Monthly Visits: One method involves visiting the hospital once every month for a year, usually on a specific day called ‘Pushya Nakshatra.’ The hospital provides a schedule for these visits.
  2. Tablets at Home: The other method is by giving specially prepared dissolvable tablets at home. This can be done every day for one to two months to achieve the same benefits.”